Colour schemes
Split Complementary Color Schemes
The Split Complementary Color Scheme is created by selecting one color from the color wheel, then use one color either side of its complementary color. This often provides a more pleasing color scheme than a true complementary as it is still a strong contrast but not as intense.
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Monochromatic Color Schemes
A monochromatic or tonal color scheme is created by using any shade, tint or tone of one color from the color wheel. It provides a peaceful and restrained color scheme, and is an easy color type of color scheme to master.
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Blue and yellow color scheme ideas for home interior decorating
Blue and yellow color schemes always have a happy, sunny appearance. They are warmer than the more traditional blue and white color schemes and just as popular. They are used frequently in kitchens and bedrooms. Take a look at the blue and yellow color schemes below to get some ideas on how the two colors can be combined together for successful interiors.
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Complementary Color Scheme Examples from the Color Wheel
A Complementary or Contrasting Color Combination is derived from choosing colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel. When they are mixed together, they will produce gray. Example of a complementary color scheme from the color wheel - using blue and orange.
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Blue and White Color Scheme Examples Photos, Bathroom, Bedroom,
Blue and white color schemes are a popular color combination. They always look smart and they never go out of fashion. Perhaps the shade, tint or tone of the hue will change but the concept remains in trend. Just think of all the blue and white ceramic designs in the world, starting way back in China, and still as popular today.
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Analogous Color Schemes
An analogous color scheme is composed of two or more harmonious or pleasing colors closely related that lie next to each other on the color wheel and therefore have similar hues. Example of Analogous color combination from the color wheel using green, yellow-green, and yellow. This color scheme is easy on the eye.
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Black and White Color Schemes
Black and white color schemes are a classical look. They always appear sharp and high contrast making a statement with the interior. Black and white is a stable color combination for interior designers and easy to update and modernize should you wish to alter at a later date by adding some color as accents in the scheme.
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Achromatic Interior Design Decoration Color Scheme Ideas Photos
An achromatic color scheme is simply colorless scheme possessing no hue, using only black, white and gray. An achromatic color scheme - from black to white A variation of this is possible, making a warm or cool achromatic by adding a hint of red yellow or blue to the neutrals.
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Yellow Color Schemes
I love working with yellow, it is such a positive and cheerful color. Learn how to combine yellow color schemes using the color wheel. Get examples below of how to use yellow in a color scheme. A yellow monochromatic color scheme provides a warm and hopeful feeling to a room.
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Red Color Schemes
Here are a selection of red color schemes derived from the color wheel, you can see how the color red can be used on its own or teamed up with others from the color wheel to make stunning color combinations.
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